Project Description

Even with diet and exercise, most people have stubborn pockets of fat that seem impossible to lose. SculpSure fat reduction technology targets and destroys fat
cells safely and each treatment is just 25 minutes!

Are you constantly exercising, eating right, but struggling to lose that stubborn area of fat that seem impossible to get rid of? Do you live a busy lifestyle and just can’t dedicate yourself to a long procedure with recovery time? Introducing SculpSure, a breakthrough in light-based body contouring designed to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles, helping you achieve a slimmer appearance without surgery or downtime in just 25 minutes. Give us 25 minutes and we’ll give you a better body. Ask us about scheduling your SculpSure consultation today!

Beginning March 1, 2023

Length of Time and Price

1. All Consult videos- 20 mins ($50) due at the time of check in. After the video, you will be scheduled to see Brandy ($100) due at time of check in.
2. Medicine Refill (Adipex)- 30 min ($50)
3. Procedures- 45min- 1hr (Prices may vary)
4. Diabetes visit (DM)- 30 min-45min (copay of insurance)
5. Lipoject shot ($25)
6. Monthly weigh in ($30)- visit with Brandy (additional fees added)
7. Semaglutide weekly shot $75 for 0.1-0.2 or $135 for 0.4- vials available prices will vary depending on dosage


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